Thursday, 22 May 2008

Physio, Intervals and Jaffa Cakes

Three things stand out from today. The first was my second NHS physio appointment. I've made good progress apparently, but still need to keep doing the same exercises. The external rotation (image holding your arm by your side with your elbow bent, then rotating the forearm outwards) is still pretty shonky, but she poke, prodded and twisted and I think I've a bit more movement now.

The second was the Jaffa Cakes - I had about 10 of them - my own fault for buying four tubes to entertain people at a lunchtime presentation. I justified this by telling myself they are good energy food.

The third was my first session of anaerobic intervals - I did this outside on the road bike, in the sunshire. Lots of other road bikers out too. Anaerobic intervals involve riding as fast as you can for three minutes, then easing off for five minutes, then repeat - I managed six sets, which I was pleased with. The first didn't really count though as I was held up by a tractor!

Long weekend coming out - I'd really really like to get some long rides in, but I think it'll depend on the weather and how the shoulder is feeling.

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